Υπηρεσίες Συμβούλου - Πλήρης Τεχνική Υποστήριξη για την υποβολή και τεκμηρίωση των Αντιρρήσεων κατά των Αναρτημένων Δασικών Χαρτών, σε όλα τα στάδια αυτών.
Η εταιρεία NERCO - Ν. ΧΛΥΚΑΣ & ΣΥΝΕΡΓΑΤΕΣ Α.Ε.Μ. αποτελεί πλέον Πιστοποιημένο Φορέα Α’ Βαθμού από τον ΟΠΕΚΕΠΕ, για την υποστήριξη των αγροτών στο Νομό Αττικής, στα πλαίσια του ΟΣΔΕ για τα έτη 2016.
Long and significant experience in sectors related to the protection, management, development and elevation of the Environment in Greece and Cyprus. Activities include the elaboration of studies and the provision of consulting services covering the entire spectrum of the environmental sector.
Forest Map studies are one of the main activities since the beginning of the forest mapping project in Greece in 1997. From its first pilot Forest Map for the Local self-government organization (ΟΤΑ) of Argos in 1997 until now, NERCO-N CHLYKAS AND ASSOCIATES S.A. has participated in all...
The company having drawn up a considerable number of studies related to major infrastructure projects in the country, has many years of experience in the elaboration of Special Technical Implementation Studies (S.T.I.S) and other Studies of Engineering Structures, as Special...
Agro-technical & Agro-economic Studies
Projects Management
Property Development & Management Consultants
Tourism Investment Consultant
Geoinformatics solutions - G.I.S.